Search help

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Click on the Search button or press the Enter key on your keyboard to start the search after you have filled in the search keywords. The default search is to select any pages which include any of the keywords (separated by spaces) you enter. You can override this behaviour by preceding the keywords with special characters for advanced searching.

The search results also contain pages where the keywords are part of a longer word and the results are not returned in any specific order. For your convenience, searching is case-independent.

The search engine searches the pages on the website completely, also for text which is normally not visible. Therefore, if you have a search result which apparently does not show your keywords, have a look at the HTML source because the text is hidden somewhere in the page.

The characters * ? ( ) [ \ are excluded from searching in any combination.
When you want to search with a special character in the keyword like the quotation mark " or the and sign &, you have to use the HTML-equivalent like " and &.
Note that on this website the English spelling is used, like colour and grey.

Advanced search:
  • If the keyword starts with + then that keyword must appear in the page.
  • If the keyword starts with - then that keyword must not exist on the page.
  • If you want to match an exact string include "quotation" marks around the keywords that make up that string.

  • To search for stupas or Bodhnath at the same time you could use stupa bodhnath as this search would include all pages with one or both of the keywords.
  • To search for stupas in Bodhnath you could use +stupa +bodhnath as this search would only include pages with both keywords.
  • To search for stupas but not in Bodhnath you could use +stupa -bodhnath. This would select pages that include the word stupa but not those pages that contain the word bodhnath.
  • To search for a name you could use "thorung la" as this would require the exact string to be present.


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